Jeng's Project Portfolio Page
Project: SportSync
SportSync is a desktop address book application used for coaching student athletes. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java.
Given below are my contributions to the project.
New Features
Sort by attribute function #53
Added the ability to sort the contact list by a given attribute.
- What it does: Calling sort with an integer attribute will arrange the list of contacts in the corresponding attribute.
- Justification: This features builds upon the previous default sorting function to allow users to sort by their preferred attributes in order to better fit their purposes.
- Highlights: Implementing this feature involved understanding the complex code flow and the relationship between many classes.
Calculation functions in Sessions class #86
Added the feature of consolidating total pay and attendance in a training session.
- What it does: Calculates the total payment and attendance from a training session based on athletes who are present.
- Justification: This feature allows the coach to get important information regarding his payment and attendance at one glance.
- Highlights: Implementing this feature required me to think of creative ways (e.g. data structure) to store the relevant information for iterating through during calculation.
Code contributed
Project management
- Helped with debugging and testing the app to ensure correct functionality.
- Participated in key team discussions to decide on direction of project.
- Regularly reviewed and merged pull requests from other team members.
Enhancements to existing features:
Made commands case insensitive #90
- Adjusted commands to be case insensitive when executing.
- User Guide:
- Developer Guide: